Monday, December 24, 2012
Day 24 Reflection
It's here and now looking back on the last 24 days, I can't begin to thank God for what he did for me through the scripture this year. I think part of it was I had allowed my life to get busy and catotic and not slowed down and focused my life what whom I follow, or I started to choose myself over the one whom saved me, and reading over Jesus life it has become more real. I tend to think that more over Easter, but got to thinking tonight at Church when our Pastor talked about during Christmas Coming to Jesus. It kind of hit me really, I can join the Christmas story like it is written in the bible, like the wiseman and sheperards came to Jesus, I need to daily come and gaze upon the savior of the world. I want to leave you with a final verse, and wish you a blessed Christmas and wanting for you to remember this in our world, when often times it becomse very difficult to do this. It comes from v.5 of Chapter 24 "Why do you look for the living among the dead. He is not hear, he has risen." Remember that when life gets busy, and crazy, or we become selfish, One has come and died for all, so that we may have life. Merry Christmas.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Day 23 Reflection
Today in church we talked and looked at Jesus birth, which to be is interesting because tonibht we look at Jesus death. In the text today I want to look at two people that had direct interaction with Jesus at his death and were forever changed. First off is the second thief on the cross, we don't exactly see how long the theifs were with Jesus during the process of his trial but he witness enough to know that this man Jesus was a different man, one that did not desreve the same fate that he did. What is neat to see and witness through the scripture is the thiefs interaction with Jesus asking Jesus to remember him and Jesus replies in v.43 "Truly I tell you today you will be with me in paradise" The awseome power of Jesus saving grace that in this man's last hour he meet Jesus and his life path was changed forever.
The second man I want to bring attenition too is the Centerion who while seeing Jesus die and go through this whole ordeal calls out praising God "surely this was a righteous man" Two people watching Jesus die coming to the realization that he was who he claimed to be the savior of the World. What a beautiful picture heading into tomorrow and celerbrating Jesus Birth, getting to see tonight the reason for that birth, to save you, to save me of my sin,by dying on a Cross. Praise be to Jesus
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Day 22 Reflection
Was difficult to look at just one thing tonight , but as I was thinking this that as I read the chapter I looked apon v.39-46, this the section where Jesus is praying on the mount of olvies. What a cool picture of Jesus at one of the most intimate moments recorded of his life. What is so cool about this is you get to see Jeuss at one of his most Human moments that I have read in the scriptures, maybe minus his birth, but him asking the Father if it would be his will to take this cup. V.42 then goes on to Jesus saying never the less your will be done, deferring to God the Father to do what was best, which was leading Jesus to be the sacrifical lamb. What to me is so cool is that Jesus by faith was going to do what ever the Father saw fit with his life. In times of crisis how often do we pray to God for his will to be done, and werent we commanded in scripture to pray like how Jesus taught us, now I know that the spefic reference is referring to the Lord's prayer, but this prayer to me is also so revelvant in our lives specially if we are to claim that God is our savior and a God that has power over all. I know it is extremly difficult in desperate times to pray for God's will, or even in Good times, really the fact is in my life I have a struggle to pray for anything but selfish prayers sometimes. Let this Christmas time may we learn to pray like Jesus not only the Our Father but this prayer as well.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Day 21
We don't have to go to far in the Chapter today to look at what stood out to me. It is something that I struggle with and Feel like God calling me to me more generous and faithful in being generious. My issue isn't giving money away, I can do that with not alot of struggle, my biggest thing I would say is to be in prayer and have heart behind why I give money to what I give too. It's pretty simple too in my own faith life, I feel distant and alone when I don't have alot of heart behind my mission and focus. I often think about this verse or story if the women was just at the end of trying to do it on her own or what faith she had to give everything, what that must be like, it my prayer this season to get closer to that, to not be centered on my self but those in need. To have grow closer and closer to total faith in Jesus Christ.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Day 20 Reflection
It is interesting to me to watch Jesus leadership as we get close to the end of his earthly ministry, Obvisouly he is training up his disciples to lead his church, at the end of Chapter 20 45-47. What I find significant about this section is that I think it also can be a warning to us in the modern day church. AS followers of Christ it is very imporant that our eyes are focused on Jesus and careful not to be lead astray by people that come in to the church with alternate motives than to glorify Jesus and further his Kingdom. I think also in the Church we need to help to lead and guide younger Christians not to be lead astray by those you are attempting to mis lead young people of faith. We have to remember that as Christians are main focus needs to be on Jesus. It is hard and our selfish nature often times can distract and get in the way. My prayer is that this season we can fix our eyes on Jesus.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Day 19 Reflection
Marching ever closer to Christmas it's an exciting time of year, in Luke we now make a turn as well, as we are watching Jesus prepare for what he knows is his death. A death not void of purpose as we all know. It's not one that we have to sit and think about why he was treated the way that he was, because we know the end of the glorious story. My reflection today is pertaining to v.28-40, and in my bible it is Subtitled as "The Triumphal Entry" What strikes me with this is the grace and humbleness that Jesus portrayed as he was being lead into the City. He knew the purpose and the plan behind what was happening and what was going happen. What is beautiful about this was that Jesus did it with Joy and Honor. He knew where he was being led. The verse that I think is pretty cool is the last one in this section v.40 When the pharisees where telling Jesus to ask his followers to be quiet, his response " I tel you if these were silent, the very stones would cry out." Just another glimpse of his power and glory, beautiful picture of the ultimate sacrifice taking the Journey for you and me.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Day 18 Reflection
Couple of my favorite parables in this section of Scripture. V.9-14 Is my favorite becasue of the realness and vulnerbility of the tax collector in this section. How he realized how broken and desperate for a savior. The great verse in the bible
"God have mercy on me a sinner" Thinking tonight how true that is in my life, and hoping that those of you reading this think about that statement in your own life. Praying we can all call on our savior to have on mercy on our own lives.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Day 17 Reflection
I am always amazed at reading scripture that I know i have read before, but how different things stand out from it. That happened today, I am sure this part has never caught my eye because I read it about 4 or 5 times today before I really made some sense out of it. Really the only reason I read it again is because the last sentence in this section jumped out at me. It comes out of verse 10 " We are unworthy servants we have only done what was our duty" Now this part comes from Jesus talking to who I presume are his apostles, which he was directly speaking to in the the previous paragraphs. There is nothing that I see that was said to give this response I just believe that Jesus was merely giving wisdom and advice to his apostles to remind them to stay humble and reflect in there lives what God had spoken to them and what commands he had given to them to fulfill.
what interesting to me as we look at this part and how it pertains to our culture and is relevant is that fact that somewhat in our culture we have become a rewards driven society, almost becoming expectant of rewards and at ta boys when we merely do our job. I know I have difficulty with this , as I sometimes seek the affirmation of men rather than seeking the affirmation and audience of God. It's plainly seen to me in the world of sports when guys merely make a first down or tackle they are quick to jump up and celebrate a feat that they are paid to do, not on just big plays but every play. God commands us to love God and Love others, that is simply a command that he gives to us. Rather than seek the attention of others, I believe that we will get the attention of people around us when we Love God and Love others and glorify God through the process of those two things. We don't need to celebrate so others can see, we need to celebrate and worship so God can see we love him.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
day 16 Reflection
I want to apologize for not posting the last couple of days. My family has moved and our internet access has been limited to only my office, and I was out of the office for a couple of days, in the move. However I am back are ready to go. Today in Chapter 16 I want to look at v. 10-13, I find it kind of fitting for this time of year to take a look at these verses and think about them. I think also when it comes to Christians and money things can get a little funny, because sometimes there can be a battle about making money and having it as a Christian, and not. These verses don't mention anything about it being bad to have the money. but what it is very clear about is which are you going to be devoted to. God or Money. A rapper I like to listen to their record company slogan is "God over Money" and i truly believe this is what this section of scripture is teaching us.It is asking the question, what is your driving force. Is it Money? or is God guiding and directing every path you take. I truly believe and have seen money change and consume people, and that is why and when it takes the turn to being evil. However when God is our driving force He will use money in our lives to help further His Kingdom.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Day 13 Reflection
Today I wanted to look at the beginning of the Chapter v.1-5, Really what strikes me is that how interesting this dialogue exchange is between Jesus and those that were around him. After reading a little more about this exchange it seams that they were asking Jesus about tragic events trying to answer the age old question why do these events happen. Is it because of there sin that these people where killed or died. To be in this exchange what is interesting is how Jesus answers them when asked if they were worst sinners. "No, I tell you but unless you repent you will all like wise perish" Jesus is asked twice about two different events and twice he answers the same way. What i gather from his response Jesus is continually directing these events back to Him, back to repenting of their sin and not the sin of those you died. What is always interesting about how Jesus quite often responds to those he has interactions with is that he points us back to ourselves and our desperate need of a Savior and through that are we healed, and then we are to glorify what Jesus has done if our lives giving us eternal life.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Day 12 Reflection
At the top of the heading of today's chapter is says "Warnings and Encouragement" for obvious reasons this is quite true. Jesus first starts off talking about protecting your self from the yeast of the Pharisees, and what I think he is really talking about as Christians we need to be careful of ourselves and those within our Christian community that what we say and do among ourselves can often times can cause dived and strife. The things we say and do to fellow Christians can really affect each other, and cause unnecessary scars to possibly those around us and how they view the Christian faith. I know in my life that can be a danger, that when I get tired or frustrated with my friends and co-workers I can easily not be the light of Christ, like we are called to be.
Their is a lot of rich stuff in this Chapter, like the parable of the Rich Fool, how our pursuit of things in this world can drive us, when truly we never know when our time on earth is done. How quickly it can be taken away, that is why we want to whole heartily serve the Lord with the time we have here.
Also the amount of time that we worry can really take away from our ability to see and enjoy God's blessings on our lives. I love how in v.25 is says "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life" how true and wise that statement is, when often times it is worrying that can take hours of our life away. Let us rest in the arms of our ultimate provider Jesus Christ, who provided his life so that we could have one.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Day 11 Reflection
one thought tonight and I won't spend a lot of time because I have mentioned this before that through verse 4 Chapter 11 is talking about prayer, and how important it is to pray. Luke has mentioned and talked about Jesus praying many times up until this point, and there is no question that this is a very important aspect of our connection to the Father God. That is directly how Jesus communicated, and we need to have that be a crucial part of our lives.
Something I often forget, and know that when I am faithful to prayer I hear the Spirit much more often in my life.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Day 10 Reflection
There is always new things we can learn from God's word, that is what is so great about it, and fulfilling. I know that this is what God has been teaching trough this, it needs to be something that is imprinted on my heart, that God's word is always relevant and wonderful in our lives. v. 17-20 stood out to me today, Jesus has just finished sending the 72 out in to the country side, and as they return something wonderful has happened, they have healed and sent demons away from people and the 72 where excited to have done that. Jesus wanted to warn then warn them that there praise and Joy needed to not come from that fact that they had that ability, but that there praise and Joy need to be directed to the fact that the spirit had given them that power and that their names had been written in heaven. How often do we forget where our blessings come from. This Christmas I hope that we can all remember that are praise and Joy should rest in the fact that Jesus died on the Cross for our sins.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Day 9 Reflection
Luke 9:23-27 This is what I want to highlight tonight. In this day and age it is really difficult to deny yourself we are in a society that tells you that to get ahead in life you must elevate yourself in front of others, and finish first. Jesus came to wipe that way of life off the face of the earth. I pray that this Christmas we can think of others around us before ourselves.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Day 8 Reflection
Sorry for the lateness of the post, better late than never though right? So it will be a relatively short post tonight, but something about he character of Jesus struck me tonight. While i was reading the text for today I came to the realization that one of the great qualities of Jesus was the fact that nothing ever shocked him. Now I some what understand the idea that God is a God that is all knowing, but what really is cool about it, is looking at the characters that come to Jesus usually in a moment of crisis and despair Jesus always treats them the same with a calmness that I would imagine would right away give them peace. Case in point today looking at Jesus calming the storm and healing Jairus's daughter. Two events that he handled with the utmost peace and patience and what comfort that would have given the people involved.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Day 7 Reflection
Healer is the word that jumps out at me today, what I love about the Gospels is the over and over stories of forgiveness and healing. Today's chapter is no different, and it's so refreshing to over and over read these stories. As I continue to do this each year, it's like it becomes so much more clear. I am thankful to God to continue to reveal things in His word to be, I would be a little nervous if that was not happening. The first two stories of chapter 7 are amazing acts of God, allowing Jesus to reveal His power and glory through healing two people on the brink of death. What a cool thing to see that our savior is the ultimate healer, one that can save our lives. Jesus has the power to save and not only our human life but the life that is most important our eternal life. But not only can heal us physically, but also more importantly Jesus is in the business of being a heart healer. As we see in v.36-50 in the story of Jesus sitting to dinner with some of the Pharisees. A woman of the City (aka a prostitute) is pouring herself out to Jesus, she knows he is a heart healer, she knows that he can clean and make her knew. What is interesting that at the bottom of the barrel are often the times we realize we can't do it alone, and like in the story the Pharisee is unable to see that very clear. How true can that be in our lives, how fuzzy it can be that we at times barely recognize our need for Jesus and his cross. I pray over this holiday we all take some time and realize we need Jesus. Thanks
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Day 6 Reflection
Lots of things that I could talk about tonight in my post, but in light of some of the things that have been discovered in my community about a couple of missing girls yesterday, this is what really jumped out at me in the text today. v.27-36 Is all about loving our enemies, and right now no one knows who took and killed those two little girls, but I am sure when we find out instantly there will be many who hate those involved because of what they did. The tragic thing about our world is that sin is evil and there are many people who live in our world who do not know Jesus and have evil hearts and do evil things to innocent people. It's in those times that it's the hardest to love and show Christ's love. I am sure there would be sinful thoughts that would run through my mind if something this tragic would happen to my family, and I would not wish this upon anyone to go through. I have been praying for these families that God's peace would be upon them and that somehow they can rely on Christ to somehow comfort them. However I also found myself praying for whomever did this evil thing to these, girls, it's not easy to pray for them, but as we see in these verses it's something that Jesus calls us to do. These events have really brought some perspective to what it may mean to pray for and love our enemies, now you may read this and totally disagree with anything I said tonight, these where just my thoughts as I read through the text. I hope God's light shines in your hearts tonight and every night.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Day 5 Recap
Welcome back, only have one thing I wanted to share in this Chapter today, not because this chapter lacks depth there is a ton of cool things going on, but this is what really stuck out to me. It occurs in 5:16 "but he would with draw to desolate places and pray" What I want to point out, and maybe it's because of just my rhythm of life right now, but ad mist of his ministry going around helping those in need, everything and being very busy Jesus would need to remove himself and be in pray with the Father be in communication with him. One thing that is very interesting about my translation (ESV) it uses the term places, which would lead me to believe this was something the occurred often. I know even in times of good solid ministry times, I tend to be busy and my prayer life become hurried, and not as intentional as it should be. I encourage all of you during this busy Christmas season, be very intentional to be in constant prayer and connection with God the Father.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Day 4 Reflection
Good Morning, excited to post today, no matter how many times I do this, I get new stuff every time I read a new chapter, that is the wonderful thing about God's word. You may have read it numerous times, but each time something new pops up. Today I want to point out 2 things. First I want to talk about the spirit of God, in Chapter 4 it talks about the spirit of God 4 times, the first two are in verse 1 when Jesus is going out into the wilderness to be tempted. What I think is cool about this and something that I know I struggle with is being led and guided by the spirit. To me looking at this situation the spirit was in control here, guiding Jesus out to a place that was going to be a tough situation, but also a place that was preparing Jesus for his ministry. It's also not like Jesus was going in under ideal circumstances as well, he was walking into the wilderness, with no food, nothing, but the spirit to provide and guide him. I think for us that is a mistake we make, not knowing and or allowing the spirit to Guide and provide all that we need when stepping out in faith to the unknown. It's hard enough to listen to the Spirit but then to rely on the Spirit to provide I think we fail in our faith of the Spirit to do that. Then in verse 4 after Jesus time in the wilderness it says he returned"in the power of the spirit" I read this as Jesus Came back ready to go, ready to take on his ministry, with full power and excitement to carry out God's perfect design for Jesus life. How often are we filled and motivated by the Spirit to tackle what it is God has designed for our lives, I think when we allow the Spirit to guide and provide we are then filled up with energy and faith to carry out God's design. The Last reference to the spirit of God shows up in v. 18 Jesus quoting a prophesy that was written about him "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me" How different we would live our lives if we constantly walked around with the Spirit of the Lord upon us. The cool thing is we have the rest of the book of Luke to experience what that is like. That brings me to the second thing I underlined in this chapter v.43 when we are guided and full of the Holy Spirit, more than likely we will be preaching the good news about the Kingdom of God, just like Jesus states his purpose for his ministry on earth. pretty cool. Lets all pray to God that we are filled with this kind of Holy Spirit.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Day 3 Reflection
Obedience is the key phrase of the last few days, and I am going to point out a few more times where it occurs. John being obedient to his calling of preparing the way for his Cousin Jesus ministry, what I think is so cool about it, is the fact I am sure he had no idea what that entailed for his life, one that would ultimately lead to his death for what he stood for. The first Martyr for Christ.
Then one of the coolest verses of the chapter right after Jesus is baptized the Father comes in and says "You are my beloved Son, with you I am well pleased" I just am amazed by that for some reason, maybe it's because I am a father now, or maybe it's because I know the end of the story and what Jesus did for us. But to see that verse just makes me smile. I hope that you know the Father loves you, enough to send his son to the Cross for our Sin so that we can be in relationship with God the Father.
Have a great day.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Day 2 Reflection
It will be short tonight, but I was reading this chapter this morning and then looking at it again tonight, and thought what is standing out to me. One word really kept popping out at me, and I suppose some of it stems from the first chapter as well, but obedience is the word that I am seeing. From the Shepard's hearing from the angels to go and see this new baby boy. Mary and Joesph staying true to custom and taking Jesus to the temple, Simeon's obedient life to the Lord, being reward by seeing the Savior before he died. Finally Jesus submitting to his parents after they come back and get him after he had stayed in the temple while they started the Journey home. Even the savior of the world was obedient to His earthly father, and ultimately he would be obedient to his Heavenly Father when he was sent to this earth to Give his life to us on a wooded cross for our Sin. Wow what obedience, it makes me sit and think how much disobedience to the Father I have in my life, and what Jesus did for me and you is quite humbling to say the least. I pray this is fruitful for you during this advent time.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Day 1 Reflection
Luke 1:1-4
1 Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, 2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. 3 With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.
I wanted to post theses verses usually I will not do this, my hope is if you are participating in this journey with me that you will open up the word and look up the key verses that I post, however tonight I thought I would make it easy since it is the first night, and because I think these are important to see to start our journey.
My key thoughts are this, many people watched and witnessed what Jesus life on earth was like, and through the bible we have the gift to see who Jesus is, and what having Jesus in our lives can mean and do in our lives. A word that I think is really cool in this translation is servants of the word, there where people who thought it important enough to record these stories that we may have a glimpse of the savior. What a gift from God.
The last thought I have from these verses comes in verse for "so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught" The bible is true, and it is given to us to know the certainty of God's plan for the world to redeem it from it's sin through Jesus Christ.
My prayer for this journey is that through reading the Gospel of Luke you and I will grow each day with more certainty of the hope and Glory of Jesus Christ.
We are Back Day 1 of 24 days of Luke
So for the past few years or so I have yearly gone through the book of Luke in December. Well I am back and excited to do this again. I encourage you to participate in this again with me post comments, and tell me what you think about what you are reading. I am excited once again to see where God's word takes us and what we can Learn about our savior.
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