Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 20 Reflection

Things as far as opposition are starting to pick up as we get further along in this story. What I see and think is most interesting is the integrity with which Jesus carries Himself when talking to these men that are trying to find anyway to get rid of this Man who is threatening a culture shift that would most definitely change how people viewed them. Jesus was teaching and exposing these men to the end, pointing out that these men of Status were more concerned with how they looked, how they were viewed in society, what their status among the people were. Jesus was here to destroy that way of life, and brought one that revealed to the world that everyone mattered. That we were to love others more than we love ourselves, what a beautiful message and way to live out our lives. I know for me personally this is something that I have had to work out and grow to desire in my own life. I am thankful to God for Working this out in my life.

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