Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 17 Luke 17

Key Verses: Luke: 17:19, 17:22, 17:25, 17:31-33

During this time of Advent we hear words like waiting, anticaption, yearning, and for the people of the old testament that was the case there were waiting for the King that the prophets and talked about all those years. However for us it is a little different, bescause unlike them, we know the end of the story. Our waiting and anticapting is for the return of Jesus to restore us to those who believe in what Jesus did upon the Cross that we may be taken up to heaven. I believe that waiting and anticapting is what Jesus is talking about in V. 22, but he is explaining to the discples as they were talking about the coming of the Kingdom of God.
Jesus is teaching and explaing to them as well as preparing them for their own journey of teaching and explaing to others about the kingdom of God. That brings us to 17:31-33 which is a theme over and over that pops up, which is as we become discples of Christ our desires for this world shall become less and less, that when the time comes to be taken up to heanven that there is no looking back. As we grow in a deeper relationship with Christ all other things seam to fade away. Our desires change, now that does not mean that God desiries us to leave this world, but that our focus and actions are directed to Christ and that controls everything we do.

I know for me this is something that is a daily struggle, to leave my old ways behind, to not worry about the things of this world, and have those desires and thoughts drive me, rather than the thoguhts and desires of Jesus and the Cross.

Prayer: Lord mold me, change me, so that my focus is heavenly, that I won't look back at my selfish desires and that my sole focus and direction in life is to follow you, and that will control my actions and deisres. Amen

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