Key Verses: Luke 18:7, 18:13-14, 18:17, 18:23, 18:27, 18:29
Lots of Good stuff in this chapter tonight, Gonna start talking about 18:7 "And will not God give justice to his elect who cry to him day and night?" Humbling verse to me in light of the parable told about an old women who would not stop pestering the Judge, who was not a believer, over a period of time he got fed up with her and granted her wish. What Jesus is telling us here that he answers those who believe and cry out to him. Now we must remember that what we want and what the answer is may not always be the same we must trust in God's plan. The reason that this is humbling to me is that How many things am I crying out to God for, to be honest my prayer life is suspect at best, i mean I pray every day but am I earnestly asking for things, earnestly crying out to God in my prayers. He listens, and answers, I just have to be willing to be vulnerable.
The next couple of verses I wanted to look at are 18:13-14, Couple of great verses coming right off the parable of the persistent widow, because you kind of get a picture in 13-14, of that crying out to Jesus, a man so aware of his sin and brokenness that the only thing that he can do is cry to God asking for mercy, he refuses to look to heaven he is in such despair. He truly knows what power sin has in his life and who can life that from him.
What would it look like for you to cry out to Jesus?
Prayer: lord I ask for forgiveness, because all to often I go through the motions of prayer, and not truly pouring my heart out to you. Have mercy on me a sinner. Amen
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